Welcome to the website Fontastic, a page filled with fonts, I mean literally, everywhere! My name is Max Emes and I am a Media, Journalism and Publishing Student at Oxford Brookes University. Within this blog, as if I haven’t even mentioned, it is all abouts FONTS! Hence the name Fontastic, fantastic - font-astic you like it eh? Oh that’s not all… have to make sure to add the memes afterwards because due to the fact I have a very unique name Max Emes,if you chop out the ax of “Max” you’ll find yourself with the word Memes.(A lot of thought process went through the name of the website hehe…

Fontasticmemes is a blog of mine which i have created for the sole purpose to spend my free time creating blogs to analyse fonts… well not particuarly ahah, on this website you’ll find various brands I have specifically chosen to give readers an in depth analysis of why big iconic brands/companies have produced such a eye grabbing logo/font to grab your attention.